Saturday, January 10, 2015

A Boy Teaching Us To Give

Caleb Rodriguez Flores teach us on generosity.
"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it." -Malachi 3:10 (NIV)

Caleb R. Flores, one of the three grandsons of Sor Techie and Tatay Bob Rodriguez never believed I am a priest when we first met here in the Philippines. When coming to the United States with my clerical, upon seeing me, he told me that I was just dressed for Halloween.

Seeing me celebration the Holy Mass during the International Annual Recollection of The Lord's Flock Catholic Charismatic Community in California and after receiving Holy Communion from me, we asked him if he already believed I am a priest his answer was "yes!"

So I said he might want to become a priest. I started calling him Father Caleb but he told us he doesn't want.

During our day-off after the Retreat, the family treated me to Disneyland. While on the car, I once again asked him why he does not want to become a priest. His answer was "Because, there's no money in the priesthood! I saw people putting only a dollar in the collection basket during the Holy Mass." All of us in the car were laughing. I explained to him that the collection goes to the Church for its needs like repairs and maintenance. Priests are given honorarium and allowances for their personal and ministerial needs.

But deep inside me, I knew and understood his thoughts. At first you might be thinking that this boy just wants money, but understanding his thought will teach us something. His words must awaken each of us! He is teaching us to be generous!

To be generous in giving contributions to the Church and her ministers. To be generous in supporting the life and mission of the Church.

Thank you Caleb for teaching us lesson on generosity!

Lord, we are sorry for not being generous to your works. Thank you for giving us a reminder through this young and innocent boy. Give us the grace to be generous. Amen.

Household of Faith

The Rodriguez-Flores Family: Sis. Mik and Bro. Al with their 
three boys Erin, Caleb and Zeckie.
"As For Me And My House We Will Serve the Lord." -Joshua 24:15

I first met this wonderful family in June of 2014 during the series of Faith on Fire Rallies organized by The Lord's Flock Catholic Charismatic Community in different places in the Philippines.

Oh, by the way I met Sis. Mik and her eldest son ahead in Hong Kong during the Diocesan Pentecost Celebration held at the Caritas Auditorium, Cathedral Compound.

Going back to my story, just simply looking at this family made me thank the Lord for giving not just the Lord's Flock Community but the whole Church a family worthy of emulation.

Each members of the Family serve the Lord in different ministries and capacities. They live out their faith in their places of work or places of studies. Erin is called the Church boy in his school in California for always leading his football team mates into prayer just before and even after each game.

I was able to live with this wonderful family when I first went to the United States for a Mission Trip. I have been a witness on how Sis. Mik despite her busy schedules preparing food for the children, bringing them to school, fetching them at the end of the day, doing the household chores plus her personal schedules and the schedules for the community's activities, she never never neglect her personal prayer time. Kuya Al did the same. Caleb prays, too while Zechie loves to lead the family into prayer.

Much about to write about this family. But to sum them up, this family rooted from Sor Techie and Bro. Bob Rodriguez is really a household of faith in action!

Kudos to you Rodriguez-Flores family. Thank you for inspiring us!

Lord, thank you for giving us your Church this family worthy of emulation. Protect them and keep them in your love. Amen.