Tuesday, September 17, 2013

THINK Before You Speak!

Featured Photo: Fr. Zenki talking with Lidwina Lei, one of the faithful daily
attendees of Holy Mass in Pio-Theres Formation Centre in Macau.
Ms. Lidwina Lei is one of the Chinese friends of Fr. Zenki in Macau.

"The lips of the righteous nourish many..." - Proverbs 10:21

I used to speak what I feel on the spot which sometimes I just realized lately that I somehow hurt some people about it. Realizing them made me feel uncomfortable so I used to make up by saying sorry.

I am sharing a very good way of saying things. Just THINK before we speak! THINK is a way, be sure that when you speak, your words will be:

True - Just tell the truth and be honest.

Helpful - When saying things to people be sure that it will be beneficial and helpful to them.

Inspiring - Be sure they will be inspired to change what is wrong or to go on with what is good.

Necessary - Be sure that it will be necessary or needed to be known at the moment.

Kind - Be kind. Used kind words when speaking to people.

So, THINK before we speak! The Bible is very clear; "The mouth of the righteous brings forth wisdom...The lips of the righteous know what is fitting." -Proverbs 10:31-32


Lord, help me to always THINK before I speak to people, that my words will lead them to You. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Pads thank you for always inspiring me with your blogs.. May the Lord continue to strengthen your vocation and to be an inspiration to many people.
